What to Do When You Are... waiting on God to fulfill a promise; waiting on your victory to be manifested in your life; in-between a trial; dealing with a life altering encounter; growing in your ministry… The MEANTIME is the time before something happens or before a specified period ends.
In The Meantime is a study book that will help you understand what to do in your meantime. Yes there are individual instructions God has given just to you and where you are in your walk with Him, then there are general instructions that we all must do and be familiar with doing.
This study will equip you with instructions, personal applications that will build spiritual habits, and various tools that accomplish an atmosphere of victorious living and answered prayers.
There are 31 Study Days that can be completed daily or spread out weekly or monthly with the Extended Reading Plan included in the book. This study is recommended for Bible Studies, Life Groups, Class Courses, and Accountability Partner Studies; it may also be completed as a Personal Study.
A excerpt from the book - "Do you feel like the following statements apply to you? Check all that apply.-At times I focus on my issues, or how to fix those problems too much -I constantly have to prove myself to others who are not for me -I desire to improve or develop spiritual habits in my life -I desire to see the Hand of God in every aspect of my life -I do a lot of what I want to do instead of submitting to God’s will -I feel the adversary (in whatever form) wins in my life or my family’s life too often -I sometimes do not see the door of escape when tempted-I want a deeper/closer relationship with God -I want my praise and worship to be more prevalent in my day-to-day life, increase more -It is hard to focus on the positive and keep my joy with all that is going on around me -Little things/nuisances bother me-My life needs balance -I would like to fit the things of The Lord in with the daily things of my life -Sometimes I can be sad, angry, upset, or frustrated for most of my day -Sometimes it is difficult to share my testimony -The enemy is always on my back -With all the things I do, it is hard to focus on the things of The Lord the way I want to *Being in relationship with The Lord, there should always be growth. We have to take the time to mature in Him. Today make the commitment to continue this journey; you will definitely be more than satisfied with what you will accomplish." - TODAY SAY YES TO THIS MEANTIME JOURNEY!
Available on Amazon for $28.00
An 11 Day Devotional - My Testimony, Biblical Knowledge, How To Sever The Tie
Have you been so connected to someone that you new when there was something bad or good happening in their life... and you had not even spoken with them?
Have you been so emotionally connected with someone, they felt like an extension of you?
Have you had sex with someone other than your spouse?
***If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are experiencing a SOUL TIE.***
This devotional details how to become a close friend of God and having a true relationship with Him.
Looking for the heart of a worshiper, this devotional deals with Intimacy Barriers and Intimacy Types. There is an upcoming single for this devotional called Kissing The Face of God!
Published Summer of 2019
This 9-Day Devotional focuses on the sound of the Still-Small Voice and is very Interactive, as it takes you through many activities and exercises.
The goal is for you to hear God's voice so much that you become familiar with hearing Him throughout your day.
This Interactive Devotional is highly recommended for those in search of God's voice, who desire more clarity, or even those looking for an extra fire in The Throne Room.
Published Autumn 2019
***Temporarily off the shelf. There is a youth edition in the works!
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33
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